Notice to Members of Annual General Meeting:
Please be advised notice is given that a meeting of the members of Landlord’s Self-Help Centre is called and will be held via Zoom on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 6:00 pm to conduct the following business:
Annual General Meeting:
President’s Report (Jason McGuire)
– Report on Board Priorities and Activities
– To adopt the Minutes recorded at the last General Meeting – October 22, 2020 AGM
– Meet the 2021 Board of Directors
– Election/Re-election Slate of Nominees
Treasurer’s Report (Raymond D’souza)
– To pass a resolution approving the LSHC Financial Statements March 31, 2021
– To pass a resolution appointment the Auditor for 2021-22
Report on Clinic Activities (Susan Wankiewicz)
– Report on Clinic Programs and Services
Registration is required and restricted to LSHC members in good standing https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdumhpzwvHdaJ7yQ6wBxG2gckf9uBhKO6

Landlord Learning Forum
Please be advised that the AGM is held in conjunction with the Landlord Learning Forum and is intended to provide members with educational presentations that highlight regulatory reform that impact the rental housing market; new and emerging trends; and common pitfalls. A video conferencing platform will be used once again this year to present the Annual General Meeting and Forum to address barriers and ensure the safety of participants.
6:30 pm – UPDATE: Landlord and Tenant Board
Mira Gamsa, Director of Operations, Tribunals Ontario; and Lynn Decaire, Registrar, Landlord and Tenant Board will provide an overview detailing the many changes that have been implemented at the Landlord and Tenant Board over the last year. These changes include: moving to the digital first strategy and transitioning LTB hearings to an online platform; managing the backlog of applications; and implementing changes to forms, Rules and Guidelines with the expansion of LTB services effective September 1, 2021.
Questions about the LTB can be submitted in advance to forum@landlordselfhelp.com
7:00 pm – Bill 184: What’s New
Many amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act in 2020 and 2021 have come in force as a result of Bill 184 – the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020. We’ve invited three experienced and highly-regarded legal service providers who work in the area of landlord and tenant law to participate in a panel discussion and break down how key changes under Bill 184 impact you:
- LTB Applications that can be made Post-Tenancy effective Sept 1, 2021
- Changes to the N12 and N13 Notices and new obligations for disclosure of previous action; payment of compensation; T5 bad faith application and increased penalties; etc.
- Rent Increase Deemed Lawful and Written Notice Requirements for Tenants to Dispute L1 Application
Meet our panel:
Rachel Gibbons is a licensed paralegal who has worked at the law firm of HORLICK LEVITT DI LELLA LLP since 2012. Rachel practices primarily in the areas of landlord and tenant, condominium, human rights and employment law. Rachel is an experienced advocate that has appeared before a variety of courts and administrative tribunals, including the Small Claims Court, the Landlord and Tenant Board, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, and the Ontario Labour Relations Board.
Petar Guzina earned an LL.B. and graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2004. After his call to the bar in 2005, Petar worked in a general law practice in Stoney Creek Ontario as well as the community legal clinic in Brantford Ontario. As a provincially appointed adjudicator, Petar was a Member of the Landlord and Tenant Board for ten years from 2009 through to the end of 2019. At the beginning of 2020, Petar started practicing law as a sole proprietor at his firm GUZINA LAW. He is also a member of LSHC’s Board of Directors.
Elaine Page is a licensed paralegal and operates her own firm, PAGE PARALEGAL. Elaine has 28 years experience and practices primarily in the area of landlord and tenant law. Elaine is an experienced advocate and has appeared before various courts and administrative tribunals, including Small Claims Court and the Landlord and Tenant Board. She is the past recipient of the Law Society’s Distinguished Paralegal of the Year Award and has delivered a host of education programs to the legal and real estate professions, and the general public.
Questions related to the recent reforms pursuant to Bill 184, Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020, may be submitted in advance of the presentation by emailing forum@landlordselfhelp.com.
Meet our panel:
Rachel Gibbons is a licensed paralegal who has worked at the law firm of HORLICK LEVITT DI LELLA LLP since 2012. Rachel practices primarily in the areas of landlord and tenant, condominium, human rights and employment law. Rachel is an experienced advocate that has appeared before a variety of courts and administrative tribunals, including the Small Claims Court, the Landlord and Tenant Board, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, and the Ontario Labour Relations Board.
Petar Guzina earned an LL.B. and graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2004. After his call to the bar in 2005, Petar worked in a general law practice in Stoney Creek Ontario as well as the community legal clinic in Brantford Ontario. As a provincially appointed adjudicator, Petar was a Member of the Landlord and Tenant Board for ten years from 2009 through to the end of 2019. At the beginning of 2020, Petar started practicing law as a sole proprietor at his firm GUZINA LAW. He is also a member of LSHC’s Board of Directors.
Elaine Page is a licensed paralegal and operates her own firm, PAGE PARALEGAL. Elaine has 28 years experience and practices primarily in the area of landlord and tenant law. Elaine is an experienced advocate and has appeared before various courts and administrative tribunals, including Small Claims Court and the Landlord and Tenant Board. She is the past recipient of the Law Society’s Distinguished Paralegal of the Year Award and has delivered a host of education programs to the legal and real estate professions, and the general public.
Questions related to the recent reforms pursuant to Bill 184, Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020, may be submitted in advance of the presentation by emailing forum@landlordselfhelp.com.
8:00 pm – Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks and Wrap up
- Evaluation
- Door Prizes
Registration is required and is restricted to LSHC members in good standing
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdumhpzwvHdaJ7yQ6wBxG2gckf9uBhKO6