Mediation at the Landlord and Tenant Board

You should consider mediation if:

  • You currently have a Landlord and Tenant Board pending application or applications filed against a tenant at the LTB; AND
  • You and the tenant(s) are willing to try to reach a resolution before the hearing?

What is Mediation?
Mediation is a free service offered by the Landlord and Tenant Board. It involves a neutral person (mediator or dispute resolution officer) who facilitates discussion between you and the tenant(s) to determine if you can resolve your issue(s) together. The mediator does not make a decision on the applications, they help the parties try to come to a resolution.

  • Mediation is voluntary, both the landlord and tenant must agree to participate for it to take place.
  • The mediator provides information to the parties about their rights under the Residential Tenancies Act, but does not provide legal advice.
  • During mediation, the landlord and tenant can work to resolve all disputes (including those issues which are not part of the application(s)
  • Agreements can be reached that include undertakings outside of the RTA. For example, Mediation can take place on the day of your scheduled hearing, or you can request that it be scheduled in advance of your hearing date.

If there is any possibility that the landlord and tenant(s) may come to a resolution with the assistance of a mediator, this option will help reduce the amount of time you are waiting for your matter to be heard and increaseS the likelihood of a faster resolution to your application(s). Watch the LTB video at

To request mediation for your application(s), email the Landlord and Tenant Board using the email address specific to the regional office that is in charge of your file. A list of regional specific LTB office email
addresses can be found at

More information can be found on the Landlord and Tenant Board’s website at

What happens after Mediation?
If the parties are unsuccessful with resolving their issues through mediation, the application(s) will proceed to a hearing and anything discussed during mediation cannot be mentioned. In addition, disputes which are not part of the applications filed will likely not be heard or considered during the hearing if the necessary paperwork has not been previously filed. If the parties are successful in reaching an agreement during mediation, a written agreement will be prepared for you to sign and the hearing will be cancelled. It is best not to leave with a handwritten document, ask the mediator for a Consent Order.

Take a look at our Learning Modules to learn more about the termination process, including LTB Hearings

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