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Evidence & Witnesses / Les preuves & témoins

Q: I have filed an application with the Landlord and Tenant Board to evict a problem tenant. My hearing is coming up and I’m trying to prepare my evidence that I will be relying on. In this case I would want the other tenants to attend the hearing as witnesses, but...

Before You Rent / Avant de louer

Q: I entered into a lease agreement with a tenant and his mother agreed to be a guarantor, but I’m not clear whether the guarantor has to be named on the lease. Can you explain how this should be done? A guarantor is a person that guarantees the rent on behalf of the...

Lawful Rent / Le loyer légal

Q: I have a rental property which has been rented to the same tenant for quite some time. A while back, the tenant approached me and asked me if I could lower the rent as he was having financial difficulties, he promised to pay the full amount once he got back on his...

Orders / Les ordonnances

Q: I obtained an Order from the Landlord and Tenant Board to evict my tenant based on nonpayment of rent and disturbances. I have filed with the Sheriff’s office and they have scheduled a date to conduct the eviction. How do I prepare for the actual eviction and what...

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