Frequently Asked Questions

Your first stop for self-help is a review of our FAQs. Take a look at the ever increasing collection of questions asked by Ontario’s small-scale landlords as well as the actual answers provided by Landlord’s Self-Help Centre.

Landlords should first determine the amount of time it will take to resolve the issue. If only for a few hours or one day, the landlord can pay the tenant compensation for that one day. The tenant also has a responsibility to comply with preparation to fumigate. If the tenant is persistent about staying in a hotel, the landlord can either help them pay for the temporary accommodation OR they can give the tenant compensation (based on the number of days the tenant has to be out of the unit).

How to calculate compensation for a day: (rent per month x 12)/ 365= daily rate

This link from our website explains the landlord’s obligations in treating the property, paying for the treatments, etc.:

This link from the City of Toronto (as an example) covers the issue of furniture and usual disposal practices:

The lease wording will not override the landlord’s obligations to maintain the property and comply with health and housing standards. Working with the pest control company and getting proper cooperation from the tenant is crucial, so open communication, giving proper notices to enter, etc., will be very important in dealing with this problem.

It is the responsibility of the landlord to ensure the property is pest and vermin-free. This means that you are expected to do and pay for a thorough pest eradication, and this is best done by professionals. It is not relevant to the Board how the bugs get into the building, the landlord is responsible for the maintenance of the building including pest control.

Although the Residential Tenancies Act does not address the issue of bed bugs specifically, bed bug infestations still fall under maintenance issues and the landlord’s obligation to ensure that the unit complies with health, safety, housing and maintenance standards.  Please refer to the City of Toronto Fact Sheet on bed bugs at

The Residential Tenancies Act requires landlords to maintain the property and ensure that it complies with health, safety, housing and maintenance standards. It is usually very difficult to prove how bed bugs were introduced to the rental property, therefore it is up to the landlord to take steps to correct the problem. To ensure the effectiveness of your efforts, a landlord will also need the tenant’s help and co-operation. Here is a link to the City of Toronto’s information about bed bugs,

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