Frequently Asked Questions

Your first stop for self-help is a review of our FAQs. Take a look at the ever increasing collection of questions asked by Ontario’s small-scale landlords as well as the actual answers provided by Landlord’s Self-Help Centre.

The tenants can call the city and complain (city may then do an inspection). If the city finds that the unit is not legal, they may order that the unit be vacated. In this situation there isn’t a notice of termination that can be given based on the fact that the unit is illegal so it is usually recommended that the landlord offer the tenant some kind of compensation to move out and if the tenant agrees a Form N11 can be signed by both parties to end the tenancy. When the unit is vacant the landlord can obtain the proper permits to ensure it is legal before renting again in the future.

No, the landlord does not have to install an air conditioning unit since it is not classified as a vital service unlike heating (which has to be at 20 degrees). The landlord should specify in their rental agreement that if the tenant wants to install an air conditioning unit they need permission from the landlord and it will be at the tenant’s expense.

Yes, the landlord can cash out the last month’s rent deposit and have it sitting in the bank. The landlord will owe the tenant interest on the last month’s rent (which is always the same as the guideline increase).

If both parties agree, usually at the application or lease stage, that it is convenient to pay by post-dated cheque, then the law allows this method of payment. Landlords cannot force this as a method of payment, and if the tenant changes their mind, then the payment method reverts to cash or regular cheques.

Electronic payment by e-transfer is very common these days, but the law does not make specific mention of this payment method. Once again, the tenant would have to agree to this way of paying.

Landlords are not required to keep the last month’s rent deposit in a separate account. As you may already know, however, you must pay the tenant interest on the rent deposit every 12 months, so good record-keeping is required.

You will have to communicate with the person you are using as the agent to determine the details of when payments will be given to you. This is because it is a contractual matter between you as the landlord, and the person you are using as the agent for the landlord, when dealing with the tenant. The Residential Tenancies Act only deals with matters that arise between a landlord and a tenant; it does not get into any details about how agency contracts work.

The last month’s rent deposit can be collected in advance of the occupancy date on the tenancy agreement, but the first month’s rent is legally only payable on the day the tenancy begins.

It will be the same situation with or without a lease. They have the same rights and you must follow the same steps and use the same forms.

If there were two or more co-tenants who entered into the contract, then unless they get the landlord’s clear consent or are otherwise allowed by a Member of the Landlord and Tenant Board, they are both bound to the terms of the contract even if they no longer live in the property.

The landlord must still name both or all parties on the N4 for nonpayment or any other notices or applications, so that it is clear that the contract is still in full effect. The landlord may be able to apply for collection against either or both parties for garnishment, for example, at some future date.

Trying to make the tenant who left actually pay the rent or damages is not an easy thing to do, but the possibility of eviction because of this nonpayment usually acts as an incentive for whoever is still living in the property.

There is nothing that a landlord can do to limit the number of occupants that live with the tenant unless the number exceeds a municipal occupancy standard. Usually this allows about 100 square feet per person, regardless of any lease term restrictions.

It is perfectly lawful for the tenant to allow someone to move in with them without telling the landlord who that person is. You would only be able to gather information on the person if the tenant wants to add him to the tenancy agreement and have him be responsible to pay rent, at which point you could screen him as you would any new applicant to rent.

The law only considers a person to be an unauthorized occupant if they are left behind after the tenant has vacated the unit, which does not seem to be happening in your situation.

At the moment, you cannot insist on his information, as this can be seen as interfering with the tenant’s reasonable enjoyment, and may cause you to be subject to a Tenant’s Rights application at the Landlord and Tenant Board.

The time to factor a person’s income situation into your decision making is before you say yes to renting to someone, by screening them during the application for rent stage. Once your tenant is in, they are under no obligation to discuss their finances with you.

It is acceptable to sign documents electronically, in the same way that a signature on a document that has been faxed is acceptable. 

Where you must be careful is the method by which the signed document is served or delivered. Review the Certificate of Service to learn about the various methods of service allowed under the Residential Tenancies Act. You can watch our Landlord Learning Module at or listen to our Sound Advice podcast episode at


No, landlords have no way to force tenants to get contents insurance, even where the lease says the tenants will get it. However, it will limit the tenant’s options if they ever make a claim against landlords in the future.

The Residential Tenancies Act requires landlords, who are not using the Standard Form of Lease, to provide new tenants with an information package detailing basic landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities as well as information on how to contact the Landlord and Tenant Board. The information package is posted online and is available for download at


It is a breach of the Ontario Human Rights Code to rent a unit and demand that there be “no children” allowed. A no pets clause is not enforceable under the Residential Tenancies Act. Damage deposits are not lawful under the Residential Tenancies Act, and landlords are not allowed to collect them.  


The landlord is responsible for the unit and MUST maintain it in a good state of repair, fit for habitation and for complying with health, safety, housing and maintenance standards at all times, before and throughout the tenancy.

Under the Residential Tenancies Act landlords have the benefit of “vacancy decontrol” which means landlords can establish a new rent each time the rental unit becomes vacant to reflect current market conditions. Landlords also have the option of changing the services or amenities provided with the unit such as parking spaces, hydro, appliances, laundry facilities, etc.


Please refer to the Fact Sheet on our site entitled “Before You Rent” at This Fact Sheet provides a general outline on the steps to take before renting.  You should also visit for a variety of helpful information including a very useful Operating Guide.

You will also find a lot of information for landlords on the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation website at and also the Landlord and Tenant Board’s website at

It is not clear what is an Occupancy Agreement, but if the person that occupies the apartment will be paying rent then that person is considered a tenant.

The Residential Tenancies Act applies to all rental units regardless of whether the unit is located in a family home, a large building, a condominium or even a whole house.

Ontario landlords entering into a written residential tenancy agreement on or after April 30, 2018 are required to use the new Standard Form of Lease as it is mandatory for all written tenancy agreements in Ontario.  The form can be obtained in the following link

Provided that you are the owner of the rental property and the tenant will be required to share the kitchen and/or bathroom with you or your immediate family, the landlord and tenant law will not apply to your rental arrangement. Below is a link to our “Sharing Kitchen and/or Bathroom” Fact Sheet which provides further information on this type of rental accommodation

If you rent even just one unit, you are a landlord. The Residential Tenancies Act is the current legislation governing landlord and tenant relationships.

The law does not set out any provision that would allow for a “cooling off” period once a tenancy agreement or lease is signed.

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