Posts by category
- Category: Did You Know
- Category: Landlord Education Series
- Category: Landlord Learning Tools
- Category: Landlord’s Self-Help Centre Blog
- What is a “Stay” of an Order? / En quoi consiste une « suspension » d’une ordonnance?
- Toronto to Follow Hamilton’s Lead in Creating Anti-Renoviction Bylaw / La ville de Toronto va suivre l’exemple de la ville de Hamilton en adoptant un règlement anti-rénoviction
- Tax Credits: GST/HST Rebate for Landlords / Crédits d’impôt: remboursement de la TPS ou de la TVH aux propriétaires
- Restoring In-Person LTB Hearings / Rétablissement des audiences de la Commission de la location immobilière en personne
- Rooming Houses Legal in Toronto!/ Les maisons de chambres sont légales à Toronto!
- LTB Delays Causing Negative Cash Flow?/ Les retards de la CLI entraînent un flux de trésorerie négatif?
- Landlord and Tenant Board Backlog/ Procédures en souffrance de la Commission de la location immobilière
- Filing Applications with the LTB/ Dépôt de requêtes auprès de la CLI
- Mediation at the Landlord and Tenant Board
- 2021: Standard Form Lease Amended
- What you should know about Bill 184
- Bill 184 – Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020
- Board of Directors Meeting July 26, 2023
- Board Meeting September 28, 2022
- Board meeting-July 27, 2022
- Board meeting-June 22, 2022
- Board Meeting-May 25, 2022
- Board Meeting-April 2022
- Board Meeting - March 23, 2022
- Board Meeting - February 23, 2022
- Board Meeting-January 26, 2022
- Board Meeting - November 24, 2021
- N4
- 2017 RTA Changes Arising from Bill 124 - Rental Fairness Act, 2017
- All Things Related to RENT (Part One)
- Eviction by Sheriff
- Terminating a Tenancy Early with N5
- Implementing a Smoke-Free Policy
- Collecting Monies Owed
- Tenant Belongings
- Non-payment of Rent
- ENDING A TENANCY: Who, Why, When and How
- ENDING A TENANCY: Landlord's Own Use /Purchaser's Use
- Entering the Rental Unit
- Public Meeting regarding Short-Term Rentals in Toronto
- Landlord's Own Use
- I rent rooms in my house and I share the kitchen with the tenants, I want to increase the rent but I don't know how much I can charge extra?
- A tenant gave notice to terminate her tenancy on the proper form N9, she has now changed her mind and decided to stay. Can I enter into a new agreement with her and charge her a new rent?
- Can the Request to Review an Order be made in the form of a letter rather than on the form?
- Is there a deadline for filing a Request to Review an Order?
- What does a Request to Review an Order mean?
- What is the difference between a Request to Amend an Order and a Request to Review an Order? I have a case at the Landlord and Tenant Board based on arrears and I received an Order. However, I have noticed that the amount of the arrears of rent owing is incorrect. Which form do I file to have the error corrected?
- I have rented a house to a tenant and I’m wondering how often I can enter the property to do a maintenance inspection? I have been inspecting the property on a monthly basis but the tenant is now complaining that it’s too frequent. What does the law say about this?
- Is there an exemption from rent control for new residential rental units?
- My tenant has placed an ad on Airbnb to rent their unit. The tenant is making more money than they are paying for rent. What can I do?
- The rental unit needs some repairs and the tenant is willing to carry them out if I deduct an amount form his rent. Should I let him complete the repairs and give him a rent reduction?
- My rental unit is exempt under the Residential Tenancies Act, how do I give my tenant notice to leave?
- I did not know my rental unit was an illegally built unit, what can the tenant do about this?
- I moved into my rental property and now I share bathroom and kitchen with my tenant. Does the Residential Tenancies Act apply to me?
- I had filed a Request to Review and had my hearing already. I do not agree with the decision that was made, what is my next step?
- Is the landlord responsible for installing an air conditioning unit?
- The tenant has bed bugs and wants me to pay for the hotel? Am I responsible for doing so?
- I have a hearing at the Landlord and Tenant Board for arrears of rent. The tenant withheld rent for repairs that needed to be done to the floors in the unit. How can we resolve this issue?
- I gave an N4 notice to my tenant for not paying rent. How do I know that they’ve received it if they haven’t told me?
- The police broke the door to my tenant’s unit and I have since been out of contact with him. The tenant has not paid rent since. What should I do at this point?
- My lease states that rent is due on the 15th of the month. The tenant and I verbally agreed to change the rent due date to the 1st. My tenant has not paid rent this month. What date should I put on the N4 notice?
- How can we as landlords protect ourselves with regards to marijuana legalization?
- I served the N12 notice to the tenant's 13-year-old daughter, and I have a proof that the tenant had received it. On the Certificate of Service, what do I check off as to how the notice was delivered?
- Would you be able to refer or provide a list of lawyers who can assist me?
- I recorded a conversation with my tenant. Is this admissible at the hearing?
- Our tenant’s yard is filled with garbage. We have photographic evidence of this. What are our rights as landlords regarding getting this cleaned up?
- Do the same rules regarding ending a tenancy apply whether it’s a fixed-term lease or a month-to-month lease?
- I needed to do some maintenance work in the rental unit, but the tenant found a separate company to do the work and sent me the bill afterwards. What can I do about this situation?
- I currently have major drain work which I need to carry out in my rental property. This is due to the tree roots outside the house which blocked the connection to the city drain. This affects my existing tenant’s ability to use the water & washrooms. I have offered my tenant who is a professional another similar unit without any charge as a way to compensate for the inconvenience. What are my obligations in this circumstance?
- My tenant pays the rent late all the time, what can I do about this?
- I signed a fixed term lease with my tenants, but they have recently notified me verbally that they needed to terminate the lease by the end of this month. They prepaid the full term when they signed the lease agreement. Now, they are requesting a refund for the remainder of the rental period. The problem is that the Condo Board does not allow more than 1 rental within a 12-month period, meaning I am not allowed to rent out my unit to cover the remaining term of the lease. What can I do to handle the situation?
- How do I know how much interest I owe back to the tenant at the end of every year?
- We have obtained a termination date from the Landlord and Tenant Board, and we would like to pre-book the Sheriff for a certain date. Is this possible?
- My tenant and I went to mediation at our hearing and we came to terms that the tenant will move at the end of the month. Is there any special paperwork that needs to be submitted for this?
- My hearing has already been decided, but I want to submit to the Board a police report I just received in the mail. How can I do that?
- I know that the L3 Application requires a signed Affidavit. However, it asks for a signature of a Commissioner and a signature of a Deponent. What do I do with this?
- I have a question regarding the representative of the landlord. According to the Landlord and Tenant Board, the landlord can have a representative representing them with a written consent. Is there a specific format of such consent/authorization?
- I have to file two separate applications at the Landlord and Tenant Board. Can they be combined if I am filing on the Portal?
- If the LTB finds that I need to compensate my former tenant, who has filed a T2 for reasons #3 and #4, could they also charge me, or fine me, and have me pay penalty money?
- I want to bring witnesses to my hearing at the Board, but I would not like their identity to be revealed due to threats of harassment from the offending tenant. Is this possible?
- I am part of a not-for-profit association. It is a private club with paid members. Our property is in the country, and part of our income is from 10 apartments rented by members of the club. Are we covered by the Residential Tenancies Act?
- What are my tenant’s rights if I share a kitchen with them? I currently feel threatened by their presence and would like to know what I can do about the claims that they want to make against me.
- I am the owner of a residential unit. My tenants currently share the kitchen and bathroom with one of my children. Does the Act apply to our situation?
- I currently have two tenants living in my home with me. We share the kitchen, living room, dining area, bathroom, laundry, and parking in the driveway. What type of notice do I need to give the current tenants if I want them to leave while I do renovations?
- My tenant will not allow me to show the unit at the end of their fixed-term lease. What can I do?
- Am I allowed to enter the common areas of a rental unit without giving 24 hours’ written notice?
- A few weeks ago, my tenant had a cooking fire and as a result the house was destroyed. The tenant had no content insurance, my insurance will cover the loss of the house and the income. The tenant wants to know if they are entitled to getting their last month’s rent deposit back. Am I required to return the deposit? Does this fire terminate the lease? Is there any paperwork necessary to terminate the lease? Do I have any responsibilities to the tenant?
- Can I still serve an N5 notice to a tenant for damage if the tenant claims they don’t know how the damage actually occurred?
- Despite having extensive photographic and video evidence at my hearing of the extensive damage caused by my tenants, I don’t think the adjudicator will rule in my favour. What can I do?
- I want to show my unit to potential future tenants, but my current tenants have left the unit in a state of extreme uncleanliness and disrepair. What are my options?
- My tenant just moved out and left behind a huge mess. I hired a professional to clean the unit before a new tenant moves in. Can I deduct the cleaning cost from the previous tenant’s security deposit?
- Can we specify we want the rent to be paid electronically and not by post-dated cheques?
- Are we required to keep the last month’s rent deposit amount in a separate bank account?
- I used a real estate agent to find a tenant. How long do I have to wait before I get the first and last month’s rent from the tenant’s agent?
- September-October 2007
- June-July 2007
- March-April 2007
- May-June 2006
- February-March 2006
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